Honey Bees

Embark on a Buzz-Worthy Adventure

Honey bee colonies are nature’s pollination machines, promoting a thriving Ohioan ecosystem. Aspiring and experienced beekeepers can find the perfect honey bee hives at West River Exchange, where commitment to excellence leads to bee-utiful honey bees!

Beekeeping Benefits: Your Honey Bees Await

From complex antennae-speak to the uses for royal jelly, bees are fascinating creatures! Your future honey bees will become your backyard best friends, providing tip-top pollination services and fresh honey.

As an Ohio beekeeper, you play a key role in supporting local ecosystems and agriculture. Beekeeping is a win-win all the way around.

Sustaining the Buzz: Our Commitment to Eco-Friendly Beekeeping

The Earth needs happy and healthy bees. This is why we’re committed to sustainable bee breeding and ecologically-minded beekeeping. All our subspecies of bees are pathogen-free and ready to store honey.

Why Our Bees Are a Buzz Above the Rest

From the thorax to the antennae, West River Exchange's honey bees are adaptable, friendly, and ready to thrive in Ohio's climate. These social insects will transform your land into a green, blooming oasis while producing regular honey stores.

From Gentle Giants to Busy Buzzers: Types of Honey Bees

There are lots of different types of honey bees, but here at West River Exchange, we breed the dutiful and hardy apis mellifera (western honey bee). We typically offer the following:

  • Italian Hybrid Queens: Gentle, prolific layers who breed strong workers.
  • Italian Honey Bee NUC colonies: Prolific honey producers who are often considered gentle.
  • Carniolan Queen Honey Bee: Hardy winterers and smart dearth production make these queens excellent hive leaders.

Beekeeping Basics: Tips for a Thriving Hive

Whether you're taking your first steps into the world of beekeeping or looking to expand your thriving apiary, it never hurts to review the basics. Here are some beekeeping tips for beekeepers!

  • Hive location: Make sure your new bees are surrounded by quality food sources.
  • Feeding: From the Western to European honey bees, all bees work hard at building honeycombs, laying eggs, raising bee larvae and pupae, and more. You may need to help them out with supplemental food during winter or when the hive is first established.
  • Regular maintenance: Get all up in your hive’s beeswax with regular and well-timed maintenance! Help your North American bees fend off wasps, varroa mites, and other threats.
  • Watchful eye: Keep a careful lookout for insects like the Africanized honey bee and wasps that like to encroach on honey bee territory. Also, protect your bees against the pesticides that North America is so fond of. These chemicals can kill your bees and interrupt their pheromone communication.

All the Right Tools: Equip Yourself for Success

This isn’t balmy California or rainy Europe; you need equipment tailored for the Ohio climate (and surrounding states). At West River Exchange, our Langstroth Hives and other top equipment are designed for Ohio bees and climate.

Have questions? Reach out! West River Exchange is an essential resource for beekeepers at any stage in their journey.

Beekeeping Questions Answered: What You Need to Know

How do I choose the right type of honey bee?

Choosing the right type of honey bee depends on several factors, including your local climate, beekeeping experience level, and your goals (e.g., honey production, pollination, hobby).

At West River Exchange, we offer a variety of honey bee species, each with unique characteristics. We recommend consulting with our beekeeping experts, who can guide you based on your specific requirements and help you pick the perfect worker bees and new queen for your apiary.

What should I know before purchasing honey bees?

Before purchasing honey bees, it's essential to understand the commitment involved in beekeeping. The life cycle and needs of a bee colony are complex, and you’ll need time for:

  • Regular hive inspections and maintenance,
  • A suitable nesting site for your hives (near flowering plants),
  • And basic knowledge of queen bee/worker honey bees' health and behavior.

Also, consider local regulations and any necessary permissions. We offer resources and support to help you get started and ensure you’re well-prepared for your beekeeping journey.

What kind of support can I expect from West River Exchange after purchase?

We stand by our beekeepers long after the purchase. Our support includes access to knowledgeable staff for any beekeeping questions, online resources, and community forums where you can connect with other beekeepers. Get insights into all kinds of bee concerns, from the appropriate larvae appearance to the best treatment for bee stings to what colony collapse disorder is.

We also offer a range of beekeeping supplies and educational materials to help you maintain a thriving hive.

Join West River Exchange’s Hive of Happy Beekeepers

Healthy bees make for productive hives. Embrace the joy of beekeeping with West River Exchange—where every beekeeper, every honey bee, and every hive matters.

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